Benefits Access for Immigrants Los Angeles
Supporting immigrant families and essential workers to access the public benefits they need to stay healthy and strong.
Message regarding Disaster Relief in response to LA Fires/Mensaje sobre la ayuda en caso de desastre en respuesta a los incendios de Los Ángeles:
Use of emergency assistance is not considered in the “public charge” test. Emergency assistance includes: food, shelter, medical assistance, and temporary financial support. Use of these services will not impact the future immigration relief applications of the recipient or their household members. Even under the rule that the Trump administration implemented in 2020, emergency/disaster relief assistance was excluded from consideration in the public charge test.
Visit https://recovery.lacounty.gov/ and https://www.ca.gov/lafires/ for information about available resources.
See new resource guide for the immigrant community after LA fires: (English) (Spanish)
El uso de asistencia de emergencia no está considera en la prueba de "carga pública". La asistencia de emergencia incluye: alimentos, refugio, asistencia médica y apoyo financiero temporal. El uso de estos servicios no afectará las futuras solicitudes de alivio migratorio del destinatario o de los miembros de su hogar. Incluso bajo la regla que la administración de Trump implementó en el año 2020, la asistencia de emergencia/auxilio ante catástrofes se excluyó de la consideración en la prueba de carga pública.
Visite https://recovery.lacounty.gov/ y https://www.ca.gov/lafires/ para obtener información sobre los recursos disponibles.
Message regarding Public Charge and the incoming administration/Mensaje sobre la Carga Pública y la administración que comienza:
The public charge test adopted in 2022 is still in effect. No changes have been made. See our "Public Charge" page for an explanation of the test, who is applies to, and the many benefits that are NOT INCLUDED in the test.
Please regularly check this website for news and updates regarding potential changes to the public charge in 2025.
La prueba de carga pública adoptada en el 2022 aún sigue vigente. No se han realizado cambios. Consulte el sitio de nuestra “Carga Pública” en el siguiente enlace Public Charge para que usted vea una explicación sobre la prueba de “Carga Pública”, a quién se aplica y los muchos beneficios que NO ESTÁN INCLUIDOS en la prueba de “Carga Pública”.
Por favor, consulte periódicamente este sitio de web para obtener noticias y actualizaciones sobre posibles cambios en la carga pública en el 2025.
Supporting immigrant families and essential workers to access the public benefits they need to stay healthy and strong.
All BAILA Network services are FREE!
Service Description
The BAILA Network is a team of benefits enrollers, legal service providers, promotores comunitarias, and community outreach workers. We support Los Angeleno immigrant families and essential workers to access the public benefits they need to stay healthy and strong. Our services are free!
The mission of the Benefits Access for Immigrants Los Angeles Network (BAILA Network) is to support immigrant families and essential workers to access the public benefits that can keep them healthy and strong and improve their financial security. Our goal is that immigrants and essential workers receive education, legal services and benefit enrollment in their own languages and in the communities where they live so we can close the gap in immigrant enrollment in public benefits.
Copyright 2022 - BAILA Network
Your Privacy Is Important:
The information you enter on this website will not be sold and only will be shared between the organizations that make up the BAILA Network, and their third-party evaluator. This information may also be used for reporting purposes to our funders. It WILL NOT be shared with any government agencies unless you give your consent for us to help you apply for benefits.